Bipolar Scotland is the leading charity in Scotland working to help people with bipolar disorder. They provide support and information to people with bipolar disorder, providing them with the knowledge and skills to manage their condition and lead a fulfilling life.

They also offer support to family members, carers and professionals involved in the care of those with bipolar disorder. They work closely with the NHS, local authorities and other voluntary organisations to ensure that people with bipolar disorder in Scotland receive the best possible care and support. They provide a range of services, such as peer support groups, workshops, and online information. They also provide training and education to professionals working with people with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Scotland is a valuable resource for anyone affected by bipolar disorder in Scotland, offering support, advice and guidance.

The website was outdated and did not reflect the current demands of online users, nor its overall mission. A modern website was needed that could better showcase the achievements, resources, support services, and information offered by Bipolar Scotland. This new website would be interactive, easy to navigate and provide an engaging user experience across all devices – from laptops to smartphones. Additionally, it would include social media integration as well as secure donation payment options so that visitors could easily donate money or volunteer their time without having to leave the site. The updated design also needed to ensure accessibility for those with disabilities or visual impairments. Finally, the new website would need clear calls-to-action for people looking for help and advice about bipolar disorder in order to encourage engagement on a deeper level than just browsing content passively.

The first step in building the new website was to determine the website’s goals and objectives. We worked with Bipolar Scotland to identify the target audience and the type of information they wished to share. We then created a website design that was easy to navigate and provided a range of resources to help family members and people suffering with Bipolar. Once the design was approved, our team of developers built the website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We also integrated a content management system (CMS) to make it easy for Bipolar Scotland to update and add content to the website. To ensure the website was accessible to everyone, we built it to comply with the latest accessibility guidelines. This included using a larger font size and implementing features to make navigation easier for people with disabilities. We also implemented a variety of features designed to make the website more user-friendly. This included adding a search bar to help visitors quickly find the information they need, as well as integrating social media buttons to help spread awareness. Finally, we worked with Bipolar Scotland to make sure that the website was up to date and accurate. We also provided ongoing support to help them manage the website and keep it functioning properly.

Bipolar Scotland’s new website provides a range of resources and support for family members and people living with Bipolar Disorder. It helps to reduce stigma and raise awareness about the condition, and gives people access to information on the latest treatments, research and support services. The website also provides a forum for people to share their experiences and ask questions, as well as advice from experienced professionals. The website also provides a range of self-help tools. This helps people to better understand their condition and manage their symptoms. Finally, the website provides links to a range of other organisations and resources where people can access further support and advice.