Capco Wai Shing (CWS Hanger) are a Hong Kong based company, with offices in the USA, UK and Asia. CWS Hanger provides clothes hangers for a wide range of applications and supplies the world’s largest retailers including Walmart, JCPenney, Macy’s, Ralph Lauren, Victoria Secret, Bloomingdale’s, CostCo,  and many more.

CWS Hanger had an extremely outdated website that was resulting in lost sales and creating a poor image for the brand which in no way represented the true scale and success of the company. CWS Hanger wanted a brand new website which would effectively display the company in the best light possible.

CWS Hanger also required functionality to display the wide range of products that they provide, and allow users to easily browse and filter items and get in contact with CWS Hanger to procure new items.

NexusBond first met with CWS Hanger to establish the scope of the project and build out an idea from scratch to showcase the company and its products effectively.


Design of the Website

The first phase of the project saw NexusBond design the entire website from scratch, utilizing full width, modern design and an effective new sitemap which would allow users to easily navigate the website and find the required products and services.

Development of the Website and functionality

NexusBond then developed the website, creating the functionality required and enabling the product search functionality.

CWS Hanger now has an impressive online presence which truly reflects the quality, history and caliber of the company. Users can now easily search through the large catalogue of products and find the correct ones for their application. CWS Hanger now enjoys new business through the website and a better client relationship. NexusBond continues to support CWS Hanger with their future development needs.