Bridgestone’s iTrack II mining fleet management device is a comprehensive system designed to help mine operators gain visibility into their vehicles and equipment in order to optimize performance.

The GPS-enabled tracking device monitors and records data related to vehicle location, speed, fuel consumption, engine temperature, tire pressure, RPMs and more. This data can be used to analyze trends in maintenance needs or driver performance over time. The iTrack II also offers an array of features that make it easy for operators to keep track of their fleets. It has the ability to set geofences around specific areas so that drivers are alerted when entering or leaving certain zones. Additionally, customized reports can be generated from the collected data so operators have the information they need at their fingertips. By monitoring every aspect of its vehicles and equipment on a real-time basis with Bridgestone’s iTrack II mining fleet management device , mine operations can reduce downtime due to unexpected breakdowns while minimizing costs associated with excessive fuel use or unnecessary repairs.

Bridgestone needed a new website to showcase all the features of their I Track II mining fleet management device. The website would provide detailed information on how the device operates and what it can do for customers, including real-time tracking of vehicles, monitoring engine performance, improving operational efficiency and reducing maintenance costs. The website would also host videos demonstrating its capabilities as well as customer feedback from using the product. Additionally, visitors could sign up for more information or request a quote directly from Bridgestone’s sales team through an online form. This way, customers who are interested in learning more about the I Track II could easily access valuable resources and quickly connect with Bridgestone representatives if they have further questions or wish to purchase the device.

NexusBond worked closely with Bridgestone to plan, design and build their new iTrack II mining fleet management device website. The planning process began by understanding the features and functions of the product, as well as Bridgestone’s goals associated with launching the site. NexusBond then conducted user experience research in order to better understand customer needs, preferences, motivations and behaviors related to using products like iTrack II. Using this research they developed a comprehensive content strategy including a detailed page-by-page outline that helped inform both the messaging hierarchy and overall visual design of each page within the site. The design phase was focused on creating an engaging experience for users while also communicating all necessary information about iTrack II. This included developing wireframes outlining every element on each page along with interactive elements such as sliders or tabs for additional content sections. Through iterative rounds of feedback from Bridgestone, these wireframes were fine tuned until everyone was satisfied with what would be built out into a fully functioning website prototype ready for testing prior to launch. Finally NexusBond used modern web development technologies such as HTML/CSS/JS frameworks (bootstrap) plus CMS systems (WordPress) in order to bring everything together for.

Bridgestone’s new iTrack II mining fleet management device website is delivering great results by providing customers with an easy-to-use, comprehensive platform for learning about the product. The website provides detailed specifications and features of the device, along with customer reviews and case studies featuring successful implementations. Additionally, Bridgestone has created a blog to keep customers up to date on industry developments in mining fleet management technology as well as highlighting their own products. This content serves to further engage potential customers while demonstrating that they are knowledgeable and reliable when it comes to these topics.. All of this combined has resulted in increased product awareness and lead opportunities for Bridgestone’s mining fleet management devices.