Protected: Project Manager Protocols


Sales Person: SP

Project Manager: PM

Account Manager: AM

Developer: Dev

Quality Assurance: QA

SEO Person: SEO

Server Manager & Systems: SM

Head of Backend: HB

Head of Frontend: HF

Interns: INT

New Project Server Protocol: NPS

Hosting Launch Protocol: HLP

Client Upload Launch Protocol: CULP

Cloud Flare: CF

Do NOT do any changes on the live server Always use a duplicate server

– This only affects websites that have been published –

– You can only ever do changes on a live server if your Account Manager specifically requests it –

PM Home Page Creation Protocol


    You will get a notification that you’ve been added to a new project.
  2. SP will contact you and guide you through the home page that needs to be created based on tasks that need to be completed on the new project to ensure success.
  3. Make sure that you fully understand what needs to be done and ensure it will be done on time.

    1- Log new TASK: NPS 2- Assign SM so they are alerted (check with them in case).


SM will move this TASK to Stage:FINISHED and you will be notified by ERP.

Once that happens move on to the next point.


5. Now Check developers schedule to see which devs are available and assign them to the project. You can do this by clicking on ‘Check availability’


Assign available developer to a project, explain the project and give them the timeframe.


6. Once the project is finished, move to Stage:Finished then message SP to check.


7. Then wait for any last minute changes that SP may have. If any changes come up then:


log them as new tasks,
move project back to Stage:NEW and
alert developer.

Once it’s moved to Stage:Finished then pass it over to SP to check.

Repeat as necessary.

PM Day to Day Protocol

  1. The PM constantly checks their notifications to see if there are new projects and tasks on existing projects. You can do this by accessing the message system/discuss menu:



  1. Once PM has checked everything over they are able to plan their day –
    for example, if there’s a new project, they schedule a meeting with the account manager. If there are new tasks, schedule time to go through them with devs, if there are dev issues, schedule meetings to solve them with dev. In order to plan your day you need to use 2 tools: Google Keep + Google Calendar. You will need to put everything on your checklist (items you need to do) in Google Keep, and you’ll need to plan out when you’re going to have meetings etc with Google Calendar. Once you’ve completed tasks remember to tick them off in Google Keep
  2. Once you have understood tasks and projects, schedule meetings to go through them with devs and delegate them.
    You should have a strict timeframe (assigned by R&D) for every task and project you delegate and you’ll need to ensure that all these tasks and projects are sticking to the time frame that was planned. How to Delegate Projects/Tasks:

    Check developers schedule to see which devs are available and assign them to the project. You can do this by clicking on ‘Check availability’ Once you’ve found an available dev simply assign the dev to the task.
  3. Whenever you have some time (and at LEAST 3 times per day, even if you’re busy) you’ll need to actively monitor and supervise all projects. How to monitor projects: You’ll need to do this for each developer at least 3 times per day (try and spread it out so it’s every few hours).Before you go to the developer, first, read the project again, make sure you know exactly what they are supposed to be doing and what they were working on last time you spoke to them so you know where they should be now. You will also have notes from the last time you spoke to them, so you’ll know exactly what they were doing before and what the next step was. To monitor each developer, you’ll need to either go up to them physically and have a chat with them if you’re in the office with them – or you’ll need to check their computer via TeraMind if you’re working remotely – this will show you their screen. You need to find out the following:1. Are they working at a proper speed – have they been on the same task for too long – are they slacking off – are they working as they should? Have they been working on the same easy task last time you saw them? You will have made notes for each developer so check the notes and ensure that they are on track!
  4. Are the devs stuck on anything? Are there any roadblocks they’re experiencing? Ultimately, you’re checking to see that everything is going according to plan and that the project’s deadline will be met. Make notes on the conversation you’ve had with them – write down – what they were working on – what the next thing they are going to work on is – if they had any issues or problems etc – if they are working too slowly. If you find that a developer has been working too slowly – go on TeraMind and check what they have been doing – you can watch the session logs and rewind the video to see exactly what they have been working on or messing around with. If they have been wasting time (YouTube, social media, gaming, non-work related stuff, etc), you’ll need to make a note of exactly what has happened and bring this to the attention of the office manager. You will also need to have a chat with the developer and let them know that messing around/time wasting is not acceptable and that you’ve passed this information on to the office manager.
  5. If there are any projects that are going badly (deadline will be missed, there are roadblocks, etc), tell AM, so that if necessary they can warn client and do damage control – you need to ensure that you bring up these issues well ahead of time if you see them coming – you can’t tell AM one day before deadline that it’s going to take longer.
  6. Be available at all times for calls from AM/SP – plans change, tasks change, etc, so need to be available to go through these changes as they happen.


  1. When a new project comes in, it’s going to have a deadline already associated with it. This is the deadline that our R&D team has assigned after carefully analysing the entire project so rest assured that it is a doable deadline.
  2. Next, you’ll need to see which developer is available to work on the project, here’s how to do it:1. Click on the “Check Availability” button/menu
  3. You will see the list of developers arranged by earliest to latest deadline
  4. Unless there’s another reason (holiday, not skilled for the project etc.) assign the first available developer to the next project.




ALTERNATIVELY, there will be a new task in the old project called: START CULP..

– TASK: Start CULP


PM will Assign you to TASK Start CULP
Assign SM


The SM will then complete TASK and move to Stage: FINISHED and you will be alerted.

PM Deadlines & Scheduling of Projects

  1. When a new project comes in, it’s going to have a deadline already associated with it. This is the deadline that our R&D team has assigned after carefully analysing the entire project so rest assured that it is a doable deadline.
  2. Next, you’ll need to see which developer is available to work on the project, here’s how to do it:1. Click on the “Check Availability” button/menu
  3. You will see the list of developers arranged by earliest to latest deadline
  4. Unless there’s another reason (holiday, not skilled for the project etc.) assign the first available developer to the next project.


PM Launch Protocol


The AM will create a new Launch Project.

Go to the ‘Launch Checklist’ – there are several tasks – Assign Your Dev and SM to tasks that are relevant to them:

You’ll see that each task has either SM or DEV in front of it – assign SM or DEV as needed.


Once the all tasks are finished move the project to Stage:QC




ALTERNATIVELY, there will be a new task in the old project called: START CULP..

– TASK: Start CULP


PM will Assign you to TASK Start CULP
Assign SM


The SM will then complete TASK and move to Stage: FINISHED and you will be alerted.

PM Deadlines & Scheduling of Projects

  1. When a new project comes in, it’s going to have a deadline already associated with it. This is the deadline that our R&D team has assigned after carefully analysing the entire project so rest assured that it is a doable deadline.
  2. Next, you’ll need to see which developer is available to work on the project, here’s how to do it:1. Click on the “Check Availability” button/menu
  3. You will see the list of developers arranged by earliest to latest deadline
  4. Unless there’s another reason (holiday, not skilled for the project etc.) assign the first available developer to the next project.

PM Launch Protocol


The AM will create a new Launch Project.

Go to the ‘Launch Checklist’ – there are several tasks – Assign Your Dev and SM to tasks that are relevant to them:

You’ll see that each task has either SM or DEV in front of it – assign SM or DEV as needed.


Once the all tasks are finished move the project to Stage:QC



ALTERNATIVELY, there will be a new task in the old project called: START CULP..

– TASK: Start CULP


PM will Assign you to TASK Start CULP
Assign SM


The SM will then complete TASK and move to Stage: FINISHED and you will be alerted.

PM Deadlines & Scheduling of Projects

  1. When a new project comes in, it’s going to have a deadline already associated with it. This is the deadline that our R&D team has assigned after carefully analysing the entire project so rest assured that it is a doable deadline.
  2. Next, you’ll need to see which developer is available to work on the project, here’s how to do it:1. Click on the “Check Availability” button/menu
  3. You will see the list of developers arranged by earliest to latest deadline
  4. Unless there’s another reason (holiday, not skilled for the project etc.) assign the first available developer to the next project.